Saturday, August 18, 2007

most recent post it note

i dropped this one off this week as a return. personally, i think his short stories don't truly represent the complexities of his amazing novels. you only get a hint of what he's capable of writing and if you are new to Murakami starting with a short story collection may not do the job of hooking. i still enjoy them though.


Unknown said...

There were a few choice stories in this book - like the one about the surfer in Hawaii or the one about the gay man - but The Wind-up Bird Chronicles remains my favorite Murakami book. Sublime. Yo, this is a great idea. How random to find a post-it note in a book I'm reading.

Mentalnotes said...

yes i agree. entertaining book with a couple great stories thrown in. Murakami is indeed sublime and wind up is my favorite of his books. Dance Dance Dance being 2nd fav.